The kids are sleeping right now, and I thought I'd take a nap as well since I had to take the kids to the dentist this morning, which is an emotionally draining experience in this household. Not because the kids hate the dentist or anything. Ezra is a model patient. Caroline has a long way to go, but she's never bitten the finger entirely off of a hygienist, so it's not all bad. The emotional drain comes from hearing just how much worse Ezra's tooth decay has gotten. BUT--I didn't cry this time. It was our first visit to our new dentist, and I really like him. He did not blame me for Ezra's decay. He did not tell me I needed to put my three year old on a no-carb diet. He did not get mad at me for breast feeding beyond 1 year (NO, they do not still breast feed). And, he told me that Caroline's teeth look great. We got fluoride varnish put on her at a young enough age to stop the decay before it got too far on her. I've never had a dentist say "looks good!" about either kid. So I was ecstatic to hear that. However, we do have to have some major work done on Ezra. His decay has reached his roots and is causing pain. No more "wait and see" game. It's time to act.
The reason I'm not napping? I made a batch of granola that I can't stop eating warm out of the oven. Since I can't eat and nap at the same time, I figured I should at least eat and blog. I promise only a couple more vacation posts. These pictures are some odds and ends from visits to a friend's house to meet her new baby, mommy group and a trip out on the Sound with Daddy.
aw you got to a mommy group, cool :) That McD's set and the pics of the kids are darlingggg!!! didn't know those things existed, neat! Really loved spending some time with C on our "walk" Sunday!! :) :) ~Cathy
Aw, pregnancy fun!! Dentist, not so fun, and totally reminded me yet again that I need to make appointments. Blech. The pics on the boat are gorgeous. :-)
Wow! Where have I been?!!
Congratulations! I know exactly what you are feeling, exactly! Three is a big change and I was freaking out too!
Some say it is an easy adjustment but some not, I say not!
Suddenly the double jogger and bike trailer are not enough and you know three arms would be handy!
However I have been blown away by how much bigger my heart has grown and the love and kisses, amazing.
Having three little ones is challenging, I am in one of the toughest parts of my life so far with it.
Struggling to find balance and not lose myself but still give enough. It is so might just be me though;-)
You are way more organized than I am and I think that will help a ton!
Now that we have three I cannot imagine life any other way, I am sooooo in love with Hudson!
Ack, I could cry!
I am so excited for you guys!!!!!!!!
They're 3rd cousins, once removed. You knew I'd have to pencil it out;). So good to see you for even that brief window of time!!!
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