Tuesday, March 3, 2009


The photos of Caroline did not turn out quite as well. She has personality too--she just didn't show as much of it for these shots : ) I feel somehow as though I'm selling her short because her post isn't as nice as Ezra's. However, she is 19 months younger than him and is not able to tell us quite as many things as her big brother does. I will share a few photos of her though.

She's our girl. Sugar and spice and everything nice. A little cheesy too.
She loves to cuddle, hug, kiss--makes you feel like one in a million
Her favorite friend is her big brother. Lately, when he's hurt or sad, she rushes over to him and starts rubbing his back softly.
She screeches and hollers and shouts "no!" emphatically until she thinks she might get in trouble at which time she smiles, kisses mommy or daddy and starts saying just as emphatically "yeesss!"
She is quite shy with strangers...
...and has several favorite people, one whose name she calls out often during meeting :)
She is ours. And we love her, just as her brother, more than words can explain. We look forward to watching all the ways she grows and pray that the Lord will give us wisdom to raise her to His honor and glory. Thank you Lord for this beautiful blessing.


NaomiG said...

She's so cute... she has a gorgeous smile! :-)

Anonymous said...

yeah it's so funny when she says Andy :) When I picked her up Sunday she cuddled right up and hugged me, I love that! :) AND when I said can you say Cathy, she said it perfectly, so precious :) ~Cath

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

I wish it way my name she would say across the meeting room!!! She is just as cute as ever and her photos show it! Love it!

Brooke said...

Just you wait Auntie Avy...BTW, sorry I forgot to call her by her true full name in this post! Cathy, they both know your name and both love it when you walk into meeting : )