Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An Answer to Ezra's Prayers

The floors are covered with balloons, the garbage is full of wrapping paper, the huge pile of dishes Aunt Heather washed for me is all put away...Yep, the day after a couple of birthday parties. I promise to blog about her tea party lunch with the kids her age and also the birthday dinner for Caroline and Uncle Alan. But today I'm a little bit tired. Right now I'm going to go sit on the couch and read books to my kids. Then, we are all going to take a nap. And I won't feel one bit guilty. Why not? Because Ezra's prayers were answered. What prayers, you ask? Oh--the one where he wants to have a new baby brother or sister. Yep, the reason I can nap all I want is due mid-February. Now am I excused from the birthday blogging for a day or two?


Glenda Conner said...

Woo-Hoo and yes that is a VERY good excuse to nap!! Congrats!!

NaomiG said...

Aaaww! Congratulations!! :-) Now, go take a nap! Then eat a bunch of food. :-) You've got the perfect excuse. :-)

Stacey said...

Oooohh! Congratulations!!

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

Yep - that is a good reason for a nap but I don't think a good reason for skipping the blogging!!! But if you are a day late or so...okay! That is wonderful news and I wish you and baby good health. You can probably expect a "comfortable" chair at meeting.....

DallasandLisa said...

Yay! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! Nap all you want (or all the kids will let you). :)

- Lisa

rachel said...

oooooo! (i'm squealing!) I am SO very excited for you. Congratulations! xo

Anonymous said...

already sent my Congrats, but Congrats again, since you know I am a faithful blog commentee ;) Love y'all! Excited!!! Soo cute about Ezra!!! :) ~Cath

Sjo said...

Congratulations! that's great news! Definitely a great reason for a nap and more time spent relaxing with the kiddos then in housework! :D

Amy said...

So very happy for you!!! What was Ezra's reaction when he heard the news? Caroline will get to be a 'little mother' to a real baby!

gourmetgirl said...


Debbie said...

Congratulations!! That is so exciting. Hope you have an 'easy' pregnancy, and are able to enjoy many naps. :)

Mandy said...

Ahhhhh Brookie.....I'm so excited for you all! I've been sick and just saw this for the first time! Congratulations!!!! We love ya...and all your lil' munchkins!

Anonymous said...

Oh what great fun news! I'm so happy for you guys, YAY for expanding families (and bellies!!)

Congratulations you guys!!!


The Chatty Housewife said...

Congratulations! What awesome news!

Erlandson Family said...

congrats!!! how exciting.. :)

Anna-b-bonkers said...

I found the post I missed!!!