Monday, March 15, 2010

Nora Liv--One Month!

That's right, she already hit the one month mark. It was the shortest month in history because she was born in February AND we lost an hour for day light savings.

She's weighing in around 10 pounds 5 ounces on our home scale, so who knows how accurate that is. Ezra thinks her belly hanging over the waist band of her pants makes her look like an older man.

Caroline thinks she's fun to hold.

Her mom and dad think that her life is already flying by at lightening speed. Slow down Nora! Stay tiny precious baby.

My attempt to get photo documentation on the actual day she turned one month. It was the end of a looooong day.


NaomiG said...


Anonymous said...

It does NOT seem like a month, wow. Wow in these pics I can see both Ezra and Caroline in her. Precious :) ~Cathy

robyn said...

So cute!!

Megan Miller said...

Nora Liv you look like such a sweet thing, even that last picture. Aunty Megan's coming to make it all o.k. - except I'll have Mia who wails like that whenever I hold anyone else- but during her nap-time it will be just you and me! ;)

Susan said...

Oh, she is so sweet! Even the last photo is adorable! :)

Unknown said...

Oh what a sweet girl! She has already changed a bunch in a month. I know the feeling about time flying by with new babies, we've just got to enjoy every day as they come.

Erlandson Family said...

1 month!! wowee.. i know so well the "please stay little" pleas... they're always so suddenly not newborns anymore.. you have a beautiful family..

Rose said...

I just love that baby chub!! They are so snugglie at that age! She is adorable!