While Grandma was here she was busy with a sewing project for Caroline. She brought a top/dress she made from Maisonnette fabric and pattern. And she used the pattern I bought there for ruffle pants to make some pink ruffle pants to go with the dress.
Our little french ruffle girl : ) Excuse the messy house.
Daddy caught a few shots of the three kids together on a Sunday morning.
Nora's expressions and mannerisms remind us so much of Ezra. Maybe you can see it too in these pictures.
Grandpa kept the kids entertained with books while we got ready. Getting ready to leave the house has been interesting since Grandpa and Grandma left us.
Before Nora was born, we told Ezra and Caroline that the new baby would cry a lot. One night while riding in the back of the van with Grandma while Nora was screaming her head off, we overheard Ezra say to Grandma "Well, mommy told me the baby would cry a lot!" Another time my mom informed me that he was plugging his ears back there. We were right, she does cry a lot. But the kids are getting used to it. They croon sweet nothings to her and sing to her and do their best to soothe her. When it doesn't work, they simply hunker down and deal with it...without much complaining.
Another time, while driving along in the van, all 3 children were crying off and on. It was Sunday after meeting and all three were hungry and tired and missing Grandpa and Grandma. Ezra finally yells up from the back seat "Mommy? Is there another baby in your tummy?" I replied with an emphatic "NO!" and he said "I want there to be another baby in your tummy now, I want lots of babies!" to which Tadd mumbled..."Now, I'm going to start crying!"
So, as you can see, we are adjusting to life as a family of five. We don't expect to get much done around the house. I count the day a success if we are all dressed when Tadd gets home from work and I was able to keep all the tummies full. There is a lot of snuggling, nursing, sitting on the couch, pacing the floor, etc. But we know it is simply a season in life. A season that we are thrilled to be in...even with the crying. Ezra and Caroline talk about "precious little Nora" and how much they love her throughout the day. And they do what they need to to survive. For instance, Ezra has taken to putting out bowls, spoons, cereal and milk while I'm busy in the morning. Yesterday he even poured Caroline her cereal and was feeding her when I got to the kitchen. This sense of responsibility they both are feeling is good for them and for me. We are also receiving lots of help in the form of meals being delivered to the house some evenings and being invited out other evenings. Thank you to all the wonderful women who have shared their delicious cooking with us!
Daddy's cowboy...wearing "big pink" Caroline's blanket.
And his cowgirl as well.
Sounds familiar:). I don't even know if you need this, but I'm going to tell you because I wish I'd known about it before my Norah was 2 months old and I was 1/2 out of my mind from her abnormal (that's the part that may not apply to your scenario:)!!) amount of crying: mylicon. If gassiness or colic is the issue, it'll help--not stop it;), just help. I told my kids to expect a lot of crying when Ronan was born, and then he didn't deliver--WHAT a relief, especially after Norah screaming for 6 hours a day as a newborn. I sincerely hope yours is keeping it to under 3 at least;).
I love Tadd's response to Ezra's request for more babies!!! I so love watching the older kids learn and interact with a newborn--too fun!
Hang in there, girl!!
Sounds like you guys are doing well, all in all. Caroline's outfit is adorable! Isn't it amazing how our mom's can come right along and whip everything into shape? Sometimes when I'm having a really bad day, I like to take a moment to imagine myself visiting my girls at their houses when they're having a bad day, and being the one to whip everything into shape. I'm guessing and hoping that by that time, I might be able to pull it off?! So glad you've got that great attitude about cherishing the moments, it's so true, and so easy to forget when you are in those moments. Hang in there! LOVE Tadd's response to Ezra's comment!
Oh how sweet. The part about Ezra getting breakfast for Caroline made me tear up!
Brooke you write such interesting stories about your kids. I love to read them. And I had a good laugh over it all! Thanks!
ditto to tearing up at Ezra getting breakfast, awww!!! Precious pics, sooo darling of them in the cowboy hat and of Nora(totallllly looks like Ezra's mannerisms wow!!!! and they both look like Tadd so much) Thanks for this post, know you are busy but realllly enjoyed it, esp. the van conversation ROFL!!! Love, Cathy :)
OH MY WORD! First of all... I'm trying not to scream over how CUTE that outfit is! Second of all Nora is the most beautiful sweet thing ever! I want to pull her through the computer screen and snuggle her! and lastly, for some reason your blog hasn't been coming up on my google reader so I just thought being the busy mom of 3 that you are that your blog probably doesn’t see much love BUT obviously I was wrong and I've been missing all these sweet little glimpses into your life! So excited to see the outfit! If you don't mind I'll add it to the Maisonnette Flickr group to inspire other people.
Sending much love to you!!
xoxo Madeline
I have thought that Nora looks like Ezra from the get go. And that is so sweet the older kids are helping out so much, they are such a blessing! And I love the cowboy hat on the kids too! So cute.
what a wonderful post! Thanks for sharing the little stories, you guys are an inspiration! P.S. Love the ruffly pants, too ;)
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