These first days of Nora's life have been so fun. I just love this time of life, aside from the sleep deprivation, of course. I could spend all day snuggling her soft little face into my neck and smelling her sweet baby smells. Ahhhh!
Her big brother and sister can't get enough of her either. They do a lot of holding her and talking to her. Ezra has requested that I bring her bouncer seat into his room so that she could watch him play. All three kids played in his room together for a good half hour, in fact. Ezra also enjoys showing Nora picture books while mommy gets dressed.
And...Grandma came to help us out. She's been here for a little over a week and we're not sure how we'd be making it without her. She's doing lots of cleaning and holding and breaking up fights, etc. I'm not really sure how we'll do it next week after she's gone. I'm not thinking about it until I have to. Last night Grandpa showed up to enjoy the last 4 days with Grandma here.
Hey Jill and Mia! We need you here to join the girls club!
Ezra still likes to play outside as much as possible and this was the sight out the window yesterday.
Let me zoom in on Miss Kine's attire for you. Yep, that's right, she's wearing sunglasses and mowing the lawn in the snow.
Excited big sister. "Mommy, we match!"
This beautiful fruit basket was delivered to the front door today--thanks Miss Kim!
And last, but not least...the attitude that has come with big-sisterhood.
*A side note: don't try to put your wedding ring back on too soon after pregnancy. Yep, had mine cut off this afternoon by Fred Meyer jewelers.