Monday, August 22, 2011

One and a Half and Full of Sass!

Nora Liv officially turned 18 months a week or so ago. She went in for her check up last week and we found out that she's in the 25% for height, weight and head size. We knew she was a peanut--but that's uncharted territory for our family! My back is oh-so-thankful she did not follow in her brother and sister's growth patterns.

She calls all shoes "boots" and boots are, indeed, her favorite kind of footwear. She especially loves to wear her pink cowboy boots with shorts--she knows more about what's in style than her Mama does!
Taking dollies for a stroller ride is one of Nora's favorite early morning activities. The more babies she can fit in the stroller, the better.

We do love our little Tiny . What she lacks in size, she makes up for in attitude. With all that colic, I suppose we should have known what was coming. She started talking a couple months ago and now she says just about everything. No, don't, stop it, mine, hi, bye, Zezra, Daddy, Car-kine, Mommy and Grandma are her favorite words. I love listening to her little voice. I know that someday it will disappear and she'll sound like a grown up kid. For now we just drink it in.

Don't grow up too fast Nory Pory Puddin' Pie!


The Chatty Housewife said...

Oh how sweet!

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

What a great photo shoot!!! She is quite the fashion model and has the pose just right! Love that girl! and her daddy, mommy, brother and sister!

Anonymous said...

oh my dear, so stinkin precious, thanks for these ;) wow they look sooo cute on her, did you get clothes to match the boots like we do ;) haha! love her!! ~Cath

Unknown said...

So cute, that Nora is. ♥