Friday, October 31, 2008

Once Upon A Time...

...There was a beautiful young princess.

One day a mean mommy locked her up in a tower with bars.

Lucky for her, a famous frog prince lived close by! He climbed up to the tower and saved her.

When he had taken her far from the tower, he gave her a little kiss just to make sure she was okay.

Then they stopped to pose for a few pictures taken by the formerly mean mommy with the camera.

The frog prince reminded the princess that if she'd only kiss him...he might just turn back into the handsome prince! So, she tried.

Huh, didn't work. Oh well, it was worth a try : ) They decided that as long as they were in costume they ought to head down to the local merchants and gather some candy!

FYI: Frog costume was made by a camera-shy gramma for her little froggy. Thanks gramma!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy-Man!

So, did you all hear about that lady who was so dumb that she took 3 months to figure out how to get into her own blog? And then she sent a link to all her friends and family and put the wrong blog name. Haha. That must have been embarrassing. I heard that she's considering some sort of therapy. Like an exotic get-away with her family or something.

Last night we had fun celebrating daddy's birthday. The creme brulee that I was planning needed to be refrigerated overnight...oops. Instead we ran to the local QFC bakery for an over-priced rich chocolate cake to make ourselves sick with. Ezra was so excited for cake! Good thing daddy had a birthday to accommodate him. We neglected to get any present-opening pictures. But there are quite a few with the all-important cake.

Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.

Nothing like a good birthday wrestle session.

He sure does love his daddy.

Taste testing the goods...again.

Need any help with that candle, daddy?

This is currently one of my favorite pictures of the kids. Anytime love is being shown between the two I'm happy!

A little pre-birthday check-up from doctor Ezra. Note: those are not fancy earrings. They are some sort of elaborate bandage to help daddy's ear. And that's not a bonnet on his head. Again, some sort of medical device. What else can you expect from a doctor wearing only a diaper?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

September and October

I finally figured out how to get back into one of the blogs I created! Yeah! This is not my favorite one, but I'm sick of messing around on the computer with no visible outcome--so this is the one we're sticking with.
These past two months we've been busy. We spent a Saturday at an amusement park with grandpa and grandma. We've enjoyed many a walk or bike ride to the park. Ezra and Caroline have started up their fall classes; "mini-movers" for Caroline and "fun in fitness" for Ezra. This is a drop-off class for Ezra, which is a first. He loves it so far. Story time at the library is also popular with the kids once again. We've collected, sorted and painted leaves. There was a trip to Spokane and Moscow with daddy. We enjoyed dinner with old friends, an alllllll day play date (thank you, grandma Janet), a wonderful time at Uncle Jake and Aunt Emmy's, complete with a gourmet supper, a volleyball game which U of I, coached by Mr. Steve, won, and a nice time at the Spokane meeting. We've been enjoying mommy-group every two weeks. There is just too much to report in one post, I suppose.
September and October have been glorious months, weather-wise. Today is partly sunny and 60's with dazzling colors all around. It also happens to be the Man of the House's birthday. We'll make sure to post some pics of him with his cake and gifts tomorrow. He was greeted with a tiny voice chirping "happy birthday daddy" when he got up at 5:30 this morning. Speaking of tiny little voices, I suppose they are the whole reason for having this blog. So, below is an overview of the months of September and October in pictures...complete with captions!

Caroline and her friend making a joyful noise unto the Lord!

We went with daddy to Spokane on a business trip and were able to have a play date with mommy's friend and her little one who were also visiting from out of town. It was so fun.

Out at the pumpkin patch Caroline took on a task she couldn't quite complete.

And Ezra took to the air!

It was a gorgeous sunny day with a lovely background and foreground.
And that's all we got for now! It's time to make daddy some creme brulee for a birthday dessert. I hope the smoke detector is ready : )