The below photo is out of focus and Ezra is picking his nose (sorry) but it shows how Nora is now perpetual motion. She is fully walking and wants to do everything her way right away. She is an instant replay of Ezra only in the girl flavor. In this photo Tadd is playing the guitar, Ezra is on the key board and Nora is the back up singer/dancer.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
(Never)Plain and (Never) Simple Life
The below photo is out of focus and Ezra is picking his nose (sorry) but it shows how Nora is now perpetual motion. She is fully walking and wants to do everything her way right away. She is an instant replay of Ezra only in the girl flavor. In this photo Tadd is playing the guitar, Ezra is on the key board and Nora is the back up singer/dancer.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Walla Walla
Below is a poem that Tadd wrote about his Grandpa and read at the funeral.
A soft chuckle, the first hint of what was to come
To those familiar, we knew we were in for some fun
We hoped for occasion, and were glad when one was sent
Another moment to be enjoyed, to the fullest extent
The joy, the mirth – neither could be contained
The response real, nothing he did was feigned
Who enjoyed it most is what we would muse
Grandpa, or those who his amusement viewed?
We knew the progression well and sat back to behold
This dear man we loved so much, about to fold
When the moment hit, twinkling eyes more brightly shone
The classic sign that something, had reached his funny bone
Remaining composure would then betray him
Laughing eyes squeezed tight and thin
A lost cause now, they sprung a leak
Here come the tears, rolling down his cheek
With face red and air in short supply
He’d produce the waterworks and make us cry
Next up, the infamous eye glasses removal
Tears were flowing now, there was no reprisal
From the pocket, a handkerchief produced with a sigh
Its purpose in life – the flood waters to dry
Such was the routine each time, it was like habit
One time remembered well, had to do with a jack rabbit
Visits from Grandparents were always enjoyed and cherished
When from fair land of Walla Walla they could be relinquished
That Idaho winter was bitter cold and the rabbits scarce
Many rounds of 0.22 fire, yielded not many a carcass
As we all hugged and said our goodbyes
A lone jack rabbit in the alley caught our eye
It hopped a bit and then to a halt it came
Turning back to gloat, in our lack of aim
Now this scene to Grandpa, it was quite funny
All those rounds of shells, and now here this bunny
Such rich moments as this were not passed by
Each properly captured, with tears from Grandpa’s eye
His laugh and his life, it seems they aligned
Not loud or obtrusive, but heartfelt and genuine
A quiet, humble man of God was he
A Grandpa to cherish, a man who like to be