Monday, June 3, 2013

Three Very Short Months

Three very short months from now, Lord willing, we will be meeting a new little face.  A scrunched up, beet red, smooth as silky skin, screaming, squalling face.  Attached to a tiny little body.  A new human being that will require 24-7-365-21+ care.  Yikes.  Yep, that's how I'm feeling.  Pretty scared.  Really, I would like to freeze life right where it's at.  My kids are still in a mostly innocent stage of life.  School is easy and fun for them.  The three living outside the womb are semi-independent and can help out around the house.  The one in the womb is pretty easy to care for.  But, we can't freeze life--and really we want to watch the growth and development of each little person. 
The next three months will be busy, I'm sure.  Two and a half weeks of school are left--filled with all the usual end-of-the-year activities plus end of the season activities for baseball and gymnastics.  Then starts summer and a bit slower pace--but still filled with the fun of camping, swimming lessons and summer trips.  Somewhere in there I need to get this place organized and cleaned.  And find the Moses Basket and newborn size clothing.  Oh!  And burp rags--one of the most important baby items around these parts.  And the hospital is pesky about things like pre-registration, insurance information, touring the facilities, etc.  Like I said:  three very short months...

1 comment:

Megan Miller said...

So excited for you ...and for us! Can't wait to see what preciousness awaits. I need to figure out how to beam myself up there as soon as little one arrives so I can squeeze me some chicken legs.
