Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Labor Day Hike

On Labor Day we had plans to visit the Evergreen State Fair. Just as we were about to head out the door we changed our minds and decided to go hiking instead. The kids were excited to go on a family hike, but a little sad about not getting to spend their little baggies of money from their piggy banks on giant bags of cotton candy--the ultimate treat in their minds.
We drove east on Highway 2 to the Barclay Lake trail. A guidebook from a friend had listed this hike as perfect for small children. And it was. Two miles in and two miles out (duh) with only 250 feet of elevation gain. It was just the right challenge for Caroline and not too terribly long for Nora to be stuck in the back pack. The trail is 4.2 miles down a forest service road, so that means that it's not too crowded--even on a three day weekend. We did run into quite a few people, but it wasn't like we were walking in an endless line of hikers.My view as I brought up the rear.
Arrived at Barclay Lake. I sure do know how to make a photo look awkward. I knew that once I got on my knees with that contraption on my back there would be no getting back up. But I should have risked it. That's just ridiculous.
All three of our kids would happily spend the rest of their lives throwing rocks and sticks into a body of water.

Sometimes they can be so loving. Trekking two miles up can knock the fight right out of ya, I guess.
Caroline couldn't figure out how to hug her brother and her sister at the same time. She kept going back and forth until she figured out this little move.

Team work! They lugged this big old tree as far as they could.
Nora the Explora.

For the first several days of Kindergarten, the class is working on their colors. So each day is assigned a color and they are supposed to wear that color if they can. So far we've done pretty well with all the colors except yellow--he only had a shirt with a yellow picture on it. Tomorrow is orange day, and unfortunately it is also school picture day. Thankfully his teacher told the kids they have to wear what Mom and Dad tell them to, and not worry about being orange : ) Below is a picture of him on "green day". He dug out my old Seattle Sonics hat to complete the outfit.Peace out (yo)!


Megan Miller said...

Looks like fun family times. Miss those sweet kids. As soon as I saw your awkward picture I could feel your pain. Been there done that!

Mike, Alice, and Hank the DOG said...

Two miles is pretty good in AND out for the kids. It sure did look fun. It is also a pretty good distance to carry a child on your back!!! Loved Ezra's picture in his green shirt. It does look like he is enjoying school...yea!

Unknown said...

Looks like fun! Your kids are such good sports, I think Amelia would have been complaining at the 1/8 mile mark! ;)

NaomiG said...

Haha, the awkward picture is actually great of you all-a little awkward yes, but trying to get up would have been worse. At least you have a pic of you and the kids. :-) That looks like a great hike! Isn't it wonderful how kids can throw rocks into the water forever? I love it.